Soros undermining the US stability at the moment could be a last desperate move by the Democrats to bring in martial law and obviate a Trump Presidential win in 2024.
The great reset is a genocidal program to eliminate 95% of the human population of the earth and this fact is starting to become self--evident. So if you are middle aged and over you ARE in the sights of the death squads under a one world government.
You either love or hate statistics - but if properly monitored they never lie. In this video a senior medical officer in the US Department of Defense blows the whistle on the incredible blow out of seriously injured or dead in the military following the bioweapon's roll out. These facts are being covered up by the US DoD.
The Murrays were liquidators of Bosasa the company central to the state capture fiasco in South Africa. They took their work seriously and their investigations led to some high powered ANC politicians who decided to activate their hired hit squads to take them out. This is the reality of the Mafia state called South Africa.
As a regular daily viewer of the zerohedge platform on the Internet I find experts in finance increasingly predicting the demise of the US$ and the explosion of the value of physical gold and physical silver.
Greta Thunberg has become the young face of climate change advocates who want to reduce our carbon footprint regardless of the cost. Now a 12 year old girl in the UK has taken the stage and blown Greta into the long drop of infamy....
During covid the fake mainstream media proclaimed only a few hundred nurses had refused the jab resulting in the termination of their jobs - 24 hours ago they upped that to "a few thousand". Now it turns out 7,000 nurses in Queensland Australia lost their jobs because they refused the jab. Now why would the misreporting on unvaxxed nurses during covid be so extreme? THINK ABOUT IT.