At the heart of Dr. Soon-Shiong's latest innovation is a treatment he calls "BioShield." This therapy, which received FDA approval for bladder cancer in 2024, represents a paradigm shift in how we approach cancer treatment. Unlike traditional chemotherapy or even newer immunotherapies that focus on specific aspects of the immune system, BioShield aims to activate and enhance the body's natural killer (NK) cells – a crucial component of our innate immune defense.
"We have discovered not the missing link, but the awareness of this missing link and how to activate it," Soon-Shiong explained. "The idea is to activate the natural killer cell. It has 30,000 receptors on this cell."
What sets BioShield apart is its ability to stimulate these NK cells without the severe side effects associated with many cancer treatments. Patients receiving BioShield can be treated on an outpatient basis, potentially avoiding the debilitating impacts of traditional chemotherapy.