Durban — The eThekwini Municipality is among the municipalities that failed to provide the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) with more details referred to in their submissions and panel deliberations during the KwaZulu-Natal water inquiry. The ANC led council blamed apartheid for their water woes.
The first part of this live stream is linked here (split because of length):
Mada's website with hundreds of Biblical studies:
As a result of Scott's deteriorating eye sight videos posted on Loving Life TV will now be by like-thinking video publishers. Loving Life TV will not disappear - hopefully it will grow with more diverse content.
Rather like the labels of "racism" and "transphobic" the label of "anti-Semetic" is now losing its relevance to its cause. Labels have been at the vanguard of corrupt propaganda campaigns by opportunists for generations. The genocidal actions by the Israeli Defence Force over the last six months against the Palestinian people of Gaza reflect one Jewish hypocrisy too far. In this video you will see why.
In this video you will see Petrus Sitho being told he has a serious heart condition - regardless that same night he was addressing a crowd while on his nationwide walk to inform them of his mission.
For your own sake prep with food supplies that will last you and your family several months - for more search "prep" in our Loving Life archives. This applies to you regardless of which country you live in.