Cheralynne unpacks her life in modern day South Africa - after being unnecessarily bankrupted by a liquidator. In this video Cheralynne talks about how she has been abused by the estate managers and developer.
ANSWER TO YESTERDAY'S BRAIN TEASER: What is special about these words: job, polish, herb? ANSWER: They are pronounced differently when the first letter is capitalized.
Last year, 2023, a very specific topic became an increasingly important revelation to me - as a result I have decided to seek further understanding on specifically spiritual energy - how it impacts us personally and how it works. I will be talking to men of God who have an understanding of this area so that we can explore it together. This journey will take us further into vibrations, frequencies and soul connections that many people have experienced. We will obviously not entertain or promote any satanic practices but will endeavour to bring greater understanding to this very topical subject when you consider the spiritual war taking place around us today.
In September the globalist organisation hiding behind the United Nations intends to move a motion that the UN be given global authority over the world. The globalists have realised that the great awakening has begun and are now trying fast track their control. Alex Newman unpacks how the UN intend to take over your life and your country for the oligarchs.
Renaldo Gouws is an attention seeking grub largely found on Youtube and TikTok. Unsurprisingly he has been nominated by the Democratic Alliance as a Member of Parliament - reflecting the abysmal standards of their political representatives from John Steenhuisen down.
Sign the petition demanding Gouws be fired by the DA: - let's hit 1,000,000 signatures.
The Royal family have a lot to answer for historically - but when it comes to protection their security support fails abysmally when compared to that of the ANC ministers in South Africa.
There is a huge chasm between the way police murdered in the line of duty in Australia are recognised than the manner in which police in South Africa are remembered.