The world is waking up to the genocidal agenda of the World Economic Forum, the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers etc. In this riveting interview the pilot spells out the true deadly purpose of chemtrails, who are behind them, the treachery of your government and billionaires who, in two weeks time, will once again gather at Davos. You and your family's early demise is upmost on their agenda - WAKE UP!
Well, well, well, why is this pedophilia agenda being being pushed around the world at the same time? Including South Africa through the BELA Bill. Is a one world government already running this satanic world?
Here is a link to the BELA Bill the government in South Africa are about to impose on you:
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Arderne is a Young Global Leader in Klaus Schawb's World Economic Forum. New Zealand is being used as testbed for introducing draconian anti-free speech laws - equating views that differ from the government being potential terrorism and calling for neighbours to inform on those that do.
This is the audio tape referred to in my live stream exposing the Afrikaner Broederbond working in the liquidation industry. Link to the live stream:
South Africa is silently burning as the country implodes but many living within do not see it yet. The wake up call for them will be much greater than an increasing majority who recognise that the country has failed under the ANC Government.