Deon is a regular on Loving Life TV and shares my view that FIAT money is being set up to collapse - meaning precious metals (mainly gold and silver) are the only readily tradeable commodities if the banking system does fail.
The video linked here is about the role out of the central bank digital currency (CBDC) which will be the hook for the implementation of the digital ID - the mark of the beast:
Only physical gold and silver will guarantee you future anonymity in your purchases after CBDC is implemented.
An illegal attempt to shut down Alex Jones' Infowars platform took place over the weekend. Jones literally had to lock himself in his studio over the weekend to prevent the shut down. The alternative media, including Loving Life, have come to his assistance by broadcasting this travesty by a government in the US that does NOT serve the people - it serves those in power. While perverted pornography is promoted by Google and big tech the ability to question what the "public servants" demand you do is now illegal. In closing, the timing of this event days after Trump was found guilty is no coincidence. This event will not be reported by the fake mainstream media who, conveniently, can claim to be distracted by the Trump guilty verdict.
The implementation of the invasive central bank digital currency (CBDC) in 2023 is now set in concrete. The new Prime Minister of the UK, Rishi Sunak, talked about this a year ago. It is already used in China and is being trialled in countries like Australia.
The fake mainstream will never report these science based facts presented by Dr Martin to the European Union and big tech platforms like Youtube would never let them stand. So it is important that we put on record the facts that confirm the covid pandemic was a planned exercise involving money, corruption and deception at the highest order.