Its not just the increasing number of cancer cases being reported post the covid jab, its the unnatural speed with which cancer progresses through the body and the cancer in remission suddenly come back aggressively.
Tomorrow, Saturday 16th December, is 185 years after the extraordinary Battle of Blood River where less than 500 voortrekkers (Boers) took on close to 20,000 Zulus and did not lose one man. Before the battle they made a covenant with God who showed his hand on that fateful day - protecting his people.
The ANC have over the last few days agreed to establishing a coalition with the DA to run South Africa - not without influence. A R150 million payment by the country's wealthiest families to sweeten the deal for Ramaphosa and his new Mafia partners under Steenhuisen.
Doctors used to be right up there with Priests and Fire Fighters - today they barely rate above legacy media reporters. I see a naturopath - a real doctor not a drug pusher.
James O'Keefe was Project Veritas - he established it, grew it dramatically and earlier this month he was unceremoniously fired from his position as CEO by board members he had brought in to manage the fast growing organisation. Why was he fired? Well apparently the video we showed last month where a Pfizer director gets caught by Project Veritas spelling out how Pfizer deceives to make money upset the apple cart.