Umtata is a small town in the northern part of the eastern Cape - once beautiful today not so much. In fact the road to Kokstad in Kwazulu Natal, although with stunning views, is one of the most dangerous in South Africa.
The “free market experiment is over”, according to a top Tory MP and Rishi Sunak backer Tobias Ellwood, who hopes the establishment favourite will now usher in a “reset”.
In March this year I visited South Africa and saw for myself the impoverishment that has spread like a cancer across the nation - with the white population being singled out by a racist ANC government.
Larry Sinclair sits down with Tucker Carlson and sets out the details of his interaction involving Barrack Obama in 1999. His allegations have never been refuted, never investigated by the fake mainstream media and, considering the fact that this previously unknown President Obama crawled out of the woodwork reflects how compromised politics is in the USA.