Monthly statistics on #Farm #murders and #Attacks in #southafrica #rural #safety for April 2024. #Witkruis #monument #crime_news #crime
Monthly statistics on #Farm #murders and #Attacks in #southafrica #rural #safety for April 2024. #Witkruis #monument #crime_news #crime
South African Police Minister Bheki Cele will attend the protest in Brits on 10th October - here is Petrus Sitho's call to Police Minister inviting him to attend - Cele agrees.
Order a STOP FARM MURDER t shirt: phone Adrie: 072 3795415 or Petrus: 0730084105
In light of the ongoing Gaza genocide of Palestinians by the Zionist globalist government in Israel next week, Wednesday 7 February I will be talking live at 8pm with Ian Dobson about the :invention" of the land of Israel and 2024 predictions. This video will give you an interesting perspective on Israel not allowed in the fake mainstream media.
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