When Russia invaded Ukraine on 24 February 2022 the US government placed sanctions on the country and the Rothschilds Central Banking system led by the Bank of International Settlements in Geneva enforced the block of the Russian Rouble. The move has backfired as Russia flexes its muscles and the BRICS countries have now established their own international digital currency which will bypass the US dollar removing its position as the global currency. The result will be financial collapse of fiat - make sure you get into physical gold and silver or remove your extra cash from banks as they could well collapse.
Australian police are using a brutal ambush on two cops to encourage residents to rat out neighbors who are skeptical of the Covid-19 vaccine, or harbour anti-government views. Starting to sound like the Soviet Union and the KGB?
Evidence is now coming out over how the big banks, Oppenheimers, Rothschilds, Bill Gates and Ramaphosa are all secretly involved in the intended roll out of the ID2020 (smart app on your phone including central bank digital currency).
Its not just happening in South Africa - just like clockwork - smart meters monitoring you are being rolled out around the world by the shadow one world government. Your politicians are simply puppets to the World Economic Forum.
“First of all, they came to take the gypsies and I was happy because they pilfered. Then they came to take the Jews and I said nothing, because they were unpleasant to me.
Then they came to take the "racists", and I was relieved, because they were annoying me. Then they came to take the Communists, and I said nothing because I was not a Communist. One day they came to take me, and there was nobody left to save me.
Emil Gustav Friedrich Martin Niemöller