This video is for all young people - when you study make sure that your career has a future. In ten years so many shop assistants, teachers, call centre workers even airline pilots will be replaced by artificial intelligence.
The three predicted outcomes for the GNU:
1) It will stagger on for a few months before infighting between the DA and ANC causes its demise
2) The GNU won't get to first base as a result of the uncompromising positions of the DA and ANC
3) There will be a revote called by the IEC resulting in the decimation of the three main GNU partners - the DA, AMC and IFP with MK doubling its vote across the country.
As per tradition here on Loving Life*, Peter Booysen and daughter Lyndene du Plessis, joined by Lyndene's husband, Rhyno, will spoil us with an evening of song and prayer on Christmas eve. This show will go on regardless of load shedding. Put Saturday 24th December at 8pm in your diary now. On Sunday 25th Pastor Dan has a special Sunday Service prepared for us - only available on Loving Life TV: .
*Peter Booysen has streamed special Christmas services with song and prayer on Loving Life TV for several years now.
The concept of salvation from the Bible and the Qur'an in our troubled times
Yusuf Ismail (South Africa)
Rev Samuel Green (Australia)
Dr Shabir Ally (Canada)
Rudolph Boshoff (South Africa)
Efficient Group chief economist Dawie Roodt predicts that Eskom would follow the same path as South African Airways (SAA) and the South African Post Office (SAPO) and “simply come to an end”.
“Eskom is completely bankrupt. It has been operationally and financially run into the ground. It does not work anymore,” Roodt told delegates at PIF 2023.
Subliminal indoctrination is everywhere from your night fake mainstream news to the film you watch on Netflix. In this video you will see a classic example of what I am talking about - be a critical thinker not a sheep!