Link to my old Australian National News Of The Day online paper (1990s) that was the first online daily newspaper in the country and is now archived in the online library of the National Library of Australia as a historic document: (all the background to the MAI is in there).
Page on the MAI: with comprehensive links
Through the research I did back then the Pauline Hanson One Nation party (PHON) blew the whistle on the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) - resulting in the formation of an ongoing Joint Standing Commission on Treaties which are now looking at whether Australia should be part of the World Health Organisation's planned "Pandemic accord/treaty".
Over the pandemic period I sacrificed three major Youtube channels which were taken down for "medical misinformation" when we exposed the scam being pushed by the CDC, WHO, WEF and other globalist organisations funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
As a result of censorship on Youtube I established Loving Life TV which has continued to expose the covid lie. I can now tell you that, over 20 years later, Pauline Hanson's One Nation have once again used my research to blow the whistle on the scam in the Australian Parliament - as you will see here.
Now you know the origins of how I used social media to expose the globalist deception pushed by the fake mainstream media.