Some researchers are finding graphene while others are not. There are many reports of degraded, low-purity mRNA while other researchers find there is none. Because vaccine manufacturers’ contracts prohibit independent analysis of their “vaccines” it’s difficult to legally obtain enough samples, from a broad spectrum of batches and locations, to establish what is truly going on. Graphene or not, mRNA or not, we need transparency and accountability, and we need it now, wrote Spartacus. Not only should the Covid injection campaigns immediately cease, but there should also be full inquiries and broad independent analysis of the contents of these injections.
As we enter the END DAYS this documentary unpacks the folly of the elite who will, to the man, spend the rest of their days in a fiery inferno called hell.
Dr McCullough will be unpacking the permanent damage done to men who “become” women and visa versa. The inclusion of transgender in the school curriculum from age 5 is blatant child abuse – as you will see.
Can you imagine how the Olympic marathon and the triathalon, to name just a couple of events, are going to go through the hostile streets of illegal immigrant ruled Paris today?