Katherine Watt who has undertaken years of research into the manner in the which the US military industrial complex, under directions of the one world government, are now turning the blowtorch of extermination on the global population to meet the agenda of the Georgia Guidestones.
The corruption reflected by a Mafia organisation fronting itself as a political party (the ANC) once again exposes itself as you will see in this video.
Vested interests are preventing the introduction of more efficient, less costly and proven methods of maintaining Eskom's power stations - resulting in a large part of the escalating load shedding issue in South Africa.
Our earlier live stream with Rodney focusing on Hartneestpoort Dam in Gauteng: https://lovinglifetv.com/2023/04/29/live-why-the-ecosystems-in-dams-around-s-africa-are-dying-the-canary-water-hyacinth-on-harties/
Tonight I talk to Ian Dobson who says "Question everything you know."
Contact Truth Seekers:
Cell: 0721550507
Email: venus196777@icloud.com
Coin shops and even large bullion (gold and silver) companies are now being targeted by the banks. The banks do not want you to have an alternative form of money (silver or gold in coin or bullion form). They want to have complete control over what you can do with YOUR money. This is another reflection of the roll out of the one world government with one global currency. If you have stacked silver and gold - congratulations! Precious metals are the only way to financial independence in the future.
Shahid Bolsen is a Muslim, raised in the US, who has a Youtube channel called "Middle Nation". His insights into the perpetual conflict facing Israel is incredible. I am hoping we will be able to get Shahid on a live stream later this year.
Julian Assange is an Australian citizen imprisoned in a high security prison in the UK at the request of the US government. Australia has done little, if anything, to call for Assange's release. The UK government are playing jailer for the United States of America and the real casualty here are our freedoms. Tucker Carlson explains why.
A tragic blow was given to those fighting for the independence of the Cape by representation through the Cape Independence Party as it was excluded from the ballot on questionable technical grounds.