- the immoral and baseless Expropriation Without Compensation (EWC) and the fallacy of "public interest"
- the role of the criminal ANC and their motivation for EWC
- the hidden corrupt hand of billionaire Johan Rupert
- the sick elite and their pedophilia activities
- the hidden role of the Central Intelligence Agency and their undercover operatives in South Africa
Historian Scott Balson's viral video on Youtube which unpacks early South African history under the settlers (both black and white) - exposing the lie behind ANC land ownership claims: - this was the first video posted by Scott on Youtube when the Loving Life channel was launched in mid-2018.
In this video:
- Deception and military intelligence
- South African National Defence Force and the war in the DRC (Congo)
- Will Israel save the day for South Africa?
- The ANC and martial law
- Why the ANC want to destroy the western Cape
- Only the black people can save South Africa
In this video:
- Ramaphosa's lies over farm murders and the motivation
- EWC leading to black on black violence
- Politics of control in South Africa by Rupert and Oppenheimer families
- US Aid and NWO
- the missing money in the Ukraine war
- the genocide perpetrated by Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci
- the hidden motive of the free masons
How a fast evolving community in Rhodesia was scuppered by the evolving leftist woke community against the white right.
A first hand history of deception and misinformation by the legacy media.
I have a short introductory message to this video which reflects on the role Loving Life played in saving millions of people from the covid vax. If you would like to show your appreciation please help us keep this platform running. Take this link to donate:
Jan unpacks how his private email was intercepted by the South African intelligence service in 2003 and the possible ramifications that had on politics in Zimbabwe back then. He also talks about his close relationship with P W Botha and closes this four hour video with a "kick ass" commercial.
As a bank clerk I bought a 50 acre farm in the Drakensberg in 1980 after selling silver I had acquired from deposits of old coin by bank clients in the 1970s. If you want to understand what real money is listen to this video. It's not too late to benefit from the physical silver and gold explosion taking place right now that no one in the fake mainstream media is talking about,
This, now censored documentary, by the legacy History Channel exposes the background to MK Ultra, mind control and the US Government's deliberate breaches of the Nuremberg Treaty when it comes to informed consent. Consider the fact that the covid vaccine was created by DARPA (the advanced tech arm of the CIA/DoD. What did they put in the soup people were injected with?
The CIA is the US intelligence agency work for the best interests of the globalist interests of big business - not the American people. While successfully overturning governments and destroying the lives of entire communities within nations their modus operandi was to use undercover operatives who first cosy up to political and other influential people in that country. There are CIA undercover agents focusing on South Africa today who are operating in plain sight through online channels like social media Youtube. Be informed.
In this video it is spelt out why former US military intelligence personnel cannot retire - and the higher your rank the deeper the commitment to deception. Whether active or not they are beholden to their past. This video discusses the roots of the deadly Anthrax drug - linking the CIA and the Nazis. Three CIA Operations are discussed: Operation Artichoke; Operation Dustbin and Operation Paperclip. The events unfolding here precede the covid genocidal vaccine by decades - those behind it are the CIA and DARPA.