My response to the ongoing war between Reyno de Beer and Johann Roodt - Ann Verster My response to the ongoing war between Reyno de Beer and Johann Roodt - Ann Verster

My response to the ongoing war between Reyno de Beer and ...

4 月
11.5K 觀看次數
Reyno's Youtube video received several audio responses on Whatsapp from Ann Verster and Johann Roodt. I feel obligated to unveil the emails that You are law (Ann Verster) hides on her web page where she claims to have published ALL information. I also need to add that Ann Verster suggests my live streams are one sided while refusing to come on and debate her position - strange.
Reyno de Beer's video on Youtube linked here on Loving Life TV (links to the original live stream below this link):
Link to the first Australian online daily newspaper that I established and edited in Australia from early 1990s now held as a permanent historical document by the National Library of Australia: (over 5,000 web pages and images)