DOCUMENTARY: Weather manipulation - using HAARP and chemtrails - leading to climate change tyranny and control of us (10 year old video) DOCUMENTARY: Weather manipulation - using HAARP and chemtrails - leading to climate change tyranny and control of us (10 year old video)

DOCUMENTARY: Weather manipulation - using HAARP and chemt...

10 月
8.3K 觀看次數
25 November 2023: Until now I have stayed away from the "weather manipulation" conspiracy theory but with growing unexplainable weather events hitting all corners of the world as we move into 2024 we need to look at where the science is taking us. HAARP and chem trails are part of an integrated technological deception aimed at deceiving the useless eaters (that's you and I) that climate change is actually taking place because of a "toxic" gas called CO2. The truth is very different - it is about using "science and technology" to determine whether you should live or die.