Well may Alan Patton write - cry the beloved country because history will record South Africa's planned collapse by the NWO Well may Alan Patton write - cry the beloved country because history will record South Africa's planned collapse by the NWO

Well may Alan Patton write - cry the beloved country beca...

1 jaar
In less than a generation an incompetent, self serving bunch of intellectually challenged individuals whose only agenda is to enrich themselves have done just that. To the detriment of the people who elected them to bring the rainbow nation to life. These ANC politicians and cadres have destroyed what was. I fear for them because the black population has woken up to their deception and are not as forgiving as the whites. When civil society breaks down mob justice will target this small group of ANC elite and the neckless will be the road to freedom. Consider what they have done to the City of Gold - Johannesburg.