United SA Discussion Group🇿🇦: Dive into current South African affairs in a warm,
welcoming space celebrating the diversity and unity of SA. Engage with a vibrant
tapestry of perspectives while celebrating our shared South African spirit.
Link to the group
Groups link:
International Tic Toc Group🌍: Uncover the latest international affairs. Explore,
analyze, and share in a bias-free environment. Together, we stand united in our quest for
knowledge and understanding of global events.
Groups link:
Wakeup, Getup, Standup🕊️: Engage in profound discussions about obscured
truths, societal manipulations, and human experiences. Embrace authentic living as the
antidote to negativity while unraveling historical misinformation.
Groups link:
Weather Manipulation Group☁️: Indulge in enlightening conversations about
climate change, geoengineering, and the wonders of weather. Dive deep into the ethics
and concerns associated with weather-altering technologies.
Groups link:
No To Mandatory Vax Group💉: Discuss concerns about gene-editing therapies
and share experiences. Unearth insights on potential side effects and the broader
implications of mandatory vaccinations.
Groups link:
No To Gwen Towers Group📡: Delve into discussions on technologies like HAARP,
AI, and their implications for humanity. Explore how these technologies might shape the
4th industrial revolution and impact our daily lives.
Groups link:
Sovereign Beings and Common Law⚖️: Explore the essence of common law,
natural law, and the journey towards authentic governance. Understand the beauty of
voluntary contractual relationships and the deep-rooted traditions of law.
Groups link:
Is the Earth's Shape Flat or Round Group🌎: Dive into the age-old debate, share
evidence, and indulge in intriguing discussions. Understand the perspectives of both
sides and explore the compelling evidence each brings.
Groups link:
SA Food and Beverage Consumer Cooperative🍅: Foster consumer awareness
and promote non-GMO products for a healthier lifestyle. Take charge of food security
and be part of a movement championing regenerative, non-GMO choices.
Members are also encouraged to join the Telegram groups that are specific for their
Natural Remedies Suppliers Group🌿: Connect with suppliers offering organic,
natural remedies in South Africa. Foster a direct consumer-supplier relationship,
promoting sustainable and healthy choices.
Group link:
Prepper Suppliers Group🎒: Equip yourself with resources and insights for potential
national emergencies. Understand the importance of being prepared and the potential
challenges our nation could face.
Group link:
Food and Beverage Supplier Group🍲: Source antibiotic-free, organic, and
non-GMO foods and beverages directly from farmers. Reinforce the significance of
consumer awareness and the beauty of farm-to-table.
Group link:
Words of encouragement/ Positive Vibes Group💖: Immerse yourself in a sea of
positivity, joy, and gratitude. Celebrate nature's beauty and bask in songs of joy and
Group link:
Bible Discussion Group📖: Delve deep into biblical truths and explore your faith
with fellow believers. Venerate the timeless teachings of the Bible and share in the
spiritual journey of understanding.
Group link:
No to Politrix/Ticks🗳️: Demystify politics and become a more informed citizen in
today's complex political landscape. Explore the intricacies of governance and be part of
an educated, aware community.
Group Link: