Corrupt ANC Government now target former Eskom CEO and whistleblower Andre de Ruyter further reflecting how compromised South Africa is Corrupt ANC Government now target former Eskom CEO and whistleblower Andre de Ruyter further reflecting how compromised South Africa is

Corrupt ANC Government now target former Eskom CEO and wh...

Scott Balson Photo
Scott Balson
1 year
There is no justice in South Africa. There is no separation of powers (Political and Judicial). The ANC are simply looting and pillaging what is left of South Africa and using the old colonial now compromised justice system for their own benefit. In this video you will see how former Eskom CEO Andre de Ruyter is being criminally targeted for establishing a private investigation into criminality at Eskom. Remember the former head of Security at Eskom (Naidoo) while de Ruyter was CEO has been implicated in criminal activity. How far would a criminal investigation gone under her leadership?